Ine Ventyrina

Archives for My Diary

I do sincerely thank you for the Government of Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia

  The Generousity of Government of Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia   In The Name of Alloh Subhanallohu Wata'ala and Rosululloh Sallaahu 'alaihi wassalam, I do wish deeply grateful for Salim Malaysia Foundation to provide financial aid to support my education on Bachelor of Law in three and half years. I do also ...

❤ Thank You for my lovely Mother has became my Hero and The Strongest Guardian Angel for Her descendant ❤ We always love you forever, MOM❤ Nothing gonna change my love for You, MOM ❤May The Almighty Alloh shower His blessings to Your soul, beloved MOM, Aamiin ❤

💖LOVE  LETTER   TO   MOTHER💖   ❤She is my beloved MOTHER ❤that's my mother, I don't know in which corner of heaven she was born. I don't know where She hides her wings. You had been through all  painfull hell of marriage with your noble character and your patience. Mother chooses to be silent ...

💖ԵհɑղƘ վօմ ɑղժ հɑԹԹíҽՏԵ ҍíɾԵհժɑվ, ժҽɑɾҽՏԵ Ms. Diah Indriasih Soesanto Hoesadi💖

MENDIDIK ANAK UNTUK MENDIRIKAN SHOLAT   *MENJADI QUDWAH ATAU TELADAN UNTUK MEREKA*   Sungguh tidak masuk akal jika seseorang ayah/ibu menyuruh anaknya sholat sedangkan dia tidak menjadi contoh dalam mengerjakannya, atau malah meninggalkan sholat tersebut. Alloh Ta’ala  berfirman:   “Dan perintahkanlah kepada keluargamu untuk mendirikan sholat dan bersabarlah dalam mengerjakannya, kami tidak meminta rezeki kepadamu, Kamilah yang ...